Anatol, 56 y.o., Poland, Białystok
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Reply rate: 23%
Main info
First name: Anatol
Age: 56
Location: Poland, Białystok
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Weight: 91kg
Height: 183cm
Eye colour: Hazel
Hair colour: Dark Blonde
Body type: Average
Smoking Frequency: Never
Drinking Frequency: Occasionally(Socially)
Sleeping habits: I am an early bird (I like to get up early)
With information:
Polish 5 (Fluent)
Marital status: Single
Want children: Yes
Your priorities in life:
Family, long-term relationship
Stability, safety
Your income: Constant average income
Education: Graduate degree
Job title: Lawyer
What religion do you practice?: Orthodox
Age: 30 - 43
Weight: 45.4 - 74.91 kg
Height: 155 - 183 cm
Eye colour: Any
Hair colour: Any
Is it okay if they have children?: Yes
Body type: Average
Smokes: Occasionally
Drinks: Occasionally(Socially)
Ethnic Preference: White/Caucasian

Responses to some questions

How would you describe yourself?
Jestem niepoprawnym romantykiem który wierzy w wielką miłość...Jestem człowiekiem o pogodnym usposobieniu, który z uśmiechem na twarzy idzie przez życie. Jestem osobą wrażliwą lubiącą życie w zgodzie z naturą. Staram się być człowiekiem, który nikomu nie zrobił krzywdy na którego nikt nie narzeka. Uwielbiam czytać powieści fantazy, scientefiction, melodramaty, lubię dobre filmy, interesuje się medycyną alternatywną i wszystkim co jest nieznane.....
How would you describe your ideal partner?
To trudne pytanie- na pewno powinna być domatorką o łagodnym charakterze i czułym sercu
If you knew the world was going to end in 30 days, what would you do?
Poszedłbym pomodlić się do Cerkwi o zbawienie..
If you had 10 million dollars to spare, what would you do with it?
Podzieliłbym się z bliżnimi
How often, and from whom do you ask advice?
Bardzo często i przeważnie rodzinę lub przyjaciół
What quality do you value most in the people of your gender?
Uczciwość, prawdomówność i szczodrość
What quality do you value most in the opposite sex?
uczciwość, prawdomówność, szczerość, opiekuńczość i wrażliwość
What is a recent prominent event in your life, and how has it affected you?
śmierć ojca - spowodowała stan przygnębienia
What is the best advice that you give to your children?
zawsze mówcie prawdę
Do I enjoy gardening?
Quite enjoy gardening
Do I enjoy grocery shopping?
I really enjoy it
Do I enjoy other types of Shopping?
I like it very much
Do I enjoy cooking?
I cook rather than starve
How often do I like to go out?
Once a week
Do I enjoy dining out?
Just OK
When it comes to TV
Opt for a movie
When it comes to money
I spend it when I've got it
Describe myself at a party as a
Run-of-the-mill mingler
Keep my space
It's not perfect but close
Ideally I would like to live in a
house in the suburbs
Preference for pets
I have Cats, Dogs, Birds, Don't have but like Fish
What type of television programs do I enjoy watching most?
Sci-fi, Soaps, News, Films, Comedy
I enjoy spending free time
Curling up with a good book, With family, Watching TV or a movie, Taking a walk, In nature
Activities that I enjoy
Dancing, Walking
Sports that I enjoy watching and/or playing
Figure skating
Forms of entertainment that I enjoy
Concerts, Movies, Pop music, Reading
Other hobbies or interests
Astrology, family/kids, gardening, home improvement
My video
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