Minkälaisista televisio-ohjelmista pidät kaikkein eniten?
Filmit, Opetus
Käytän mieluiten vapaa-aikani
Vieraillen museossa tai galleriassa, Tekemällä ylimääräisiä töitä
Viihteen muodot joista nautin
Jazz-musiikki, Lukeminen
Vastaukset joihinkin kysymyksiin
Miten kuvailisit itseäsi?
To be honest, I really don't want to be a burden to someone. If you're that insane that you want to start something with me.....okay! We can always talk. I'm introvert, somewhat stubborn, but only in those things that are important to me. I don't like fashion and progress. Progress, of course, can not be stopped, but can be ignored. The situation is the same with fashion I don't want to know everything about the partner, and I wouldn't want him to know everything about me. I pull away, if a person is intrusive. I'm sophisticated, witty, ironic, but not angry, really not angry, which is a great rarity in our time.
Miten kuvailisit omaa ihannekumppaniasi?
Slavic professor or a person working in the publishing business, ideally Perhaps, someone who is trying to come back to life after a hard time. Someone who likes to be silent. Who able to understand his partner without any words, sensitive person with a creative brain, able to create emotional comfort, who knows a lot and can repair a coffee grinder and airplane. I do not want to be rude, but people who are not passionate about literature are of little interest to me. P.S: Well, a coffee grinder at least.
Jos tietäisit maailmanlopun koittavan 30 päivässä, mitä tekisit?
"....It's too late to change events It's time to face the consequence..." from the song "Policy of Truth"
Jos sinulla olisi 10 miljoonaa dollaria säästössä, mitä tekisit sillä?
I wondered if I would buy an island? "to find some silence" as Roi Hen wrote ....not sure, though, I do not know how much the island cost now... I would give part of the island for the construction of a hospital for children with serious illnesses.
Kuinka usein ja keneltä sinä kysyt neuvoa?
I listen to intuition
Mitä ominaisuutta arvostat eniten vastakkaisessa sukupuolessa?
First of all - decency.
Possibility not to impose their own "vision of the world". Reliability. He should be a reliable "as the pound sterling in Swiss bank," as we say in Russia.
Mikä on tärkein neuvo jonka annat lapsillesi?
Live now, don't delay
Viimeisimmät lukemasi kirjat?
"The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club"
Mitkä ovat tämänhetkiset tavoitteesi?
I'm at an age where I want to meet my person and and I absolutely don’t want to waste time on people who don’t know what they want, who rush from one beautiful picture to another.
Ketä ihailet?
Dave Brubeck, David Gilmour because of "The Dark Side of the Moon", Jimmy Page and Robert Plant because of "Kashmir"
Onko sinulla paljon ystäviä?
just a few friends
Mitä ominaisuuksia eniten inhoat omassa sukupuolessasi?
Mitä ominaisuuksia eniten inhoat vastakkaisen sukupuolen ihmisissä?
snobbery, hysteria, desire to control everything and lack of intelligence
Mitä haluaisit muuttaa itsessäsi?
nothing ..... is not that age to change something
Mitkä ovat heikkoutesi?
I like to sleep and I do not like football
Mitkä ovat vahvuutesi?
I am an understanding person, I can forgive much
Kuinka ystäväsi kuvailevat sinua?
wise and silent
Kuinka tuttavuutesi kuvailevat sinua?
as a "blue stocking"
Ketkä ovat suosikeitasi kirjoituksessa ja runoudessa?
Dickens and Thomas Mann
Minkälaisesta musiikista pidät?
Too huge topic!
Mikä on lempiruokasi?
Different cheeses, еspecially Greek Μυζήθρα.
Mitkä ovat suosikkielokuviasi?
"The Shipping News", "Lost in Translation".
Mikä on unelmatyösi?
Lighthouse keeper......and this is not a joke. ideal place where to retreat
Kerro meille unelmiesi kumppanista.
quiet, with a gentle character and sense of humor. A man who is mostly satisfied with his life and a woman for him is not someone, with the help of whom it is possible to escape from the reality that does not suit him.
Missä haluat asua?
Doesn't really matter. If only with man who means much to you.
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